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Meet "Polly" the Pretty Hippie Photo Bus

Pretty hippie Photo Bus Photo Booth Bus VW Bus Hippie van Hippe Bus

 Polly is a 1974 VW type 2 Bus that has been tastefully restored, polished and is ready to party. Our gal Polly is not only a dreamy showstopper on the outside, but she also comes loaded with a high-quality Photo Booth inside. Polly is the ultimate party girl who will surely bring trendy vintage charm to any event.

Polly's Past

We all have a past and so does Polly. rescued from a field in Colorado, where she sat broken down, lonely and rusting away. An orange and chipping Daisy painted hippie bus sad and forgotten. Headed for southern Utah sunshine Polly left her past in that dusty field. She happily embraced her fancy makeover and new life as a Pretty Hippie Photo Bus. Now destined to lead a life spreading smiles and making memories one photo strip at a time. 

VW Bus with flowers Pretty Hippie Photo Bus Photo Booth Bus VW Bus Hippie van Hippe Bus
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